OK, let us ask our parent about physiotherapist. Do they know actually about it? If u decide to further study in this course, especially for SPM and Matriculation student, do our parent agree with our decision? And of course, they will come with a lot of question, how about the study, how about the job chances and so on.
When I was finishing my matriculation year, I was choosed to study in physiotherapy, my parent said 'OK'. Then, when I went to the hospital for medical checkup, the counterman asked me. What course do you study further? I said, physio. Then he said, ohh, the person that give massage arr?? That is the counterman in HOSPITAL !!!
Quite surprising that many people dont know the real job for this field, eventhough the person who work in the hospital.
Yeah, of course, one of the job of physio is giving massage or soft tissue manipulation, but there are a lot more. Here are some of the job that covered by a physiotherapist:
Neurological disease patient such as stroke, parkinson's disease or cerebral palsy
musculoskeletal injury such as motor vehicle accident, sports injury or daily routine injury
cardiorespiratory complications such as asthmatic patient, lung complication and bedridden patient.
So, these are some of the job that done and covered by physiotherapist. I hope, with this writing, it can give a brief idea about what the physiotherapy is about especially to student who wanted to further their study in this field.
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